Passions & Places

Wine Itineraries

Itinerari del vino (Wine tours)

Grape culture lays claim to an age old tradition in Marche. Every place has its special variety of grapes. Could be then a good idea to have a view of which are the most appreciated grapes and where they are cultivated.

In the Pesaro-Urbino district, while visiting cities of Art with the many architectural beauties left behind by prestigious families (Urbino, Pesaro, Moldavio; but also the less known Pergola and San Lorenzo) it could be pleasant to rest a while with a glass of Bianchello del Metauro or Colli Pesaresi (Red or White) at hand.

Going South, towards the golden sandy shores of Senigallia among the gentle hills it is a delight to have a taste of Lacrima di Morro D’Alba. It is a full bodied red wine. It is produced only in this area, surrounded by medieval towns (Ostra, Belvedere Ostrense, Monte San Vito, Morro D’Alba).

Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi is maybe the most well known and appreciated local wine. It is a nice drive from Jesi to Corinaldo. Small villages, treasures of beauties (Cupramontana, Castelplanio, Serra de’Conti, Montecarotto) are along the way and deserving at least a quick visit for their strong connections with the tradition that has made for years a good wine such as Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi.

Verdicchio is also produced in Matelica. The vineyards surround stunning natural beauties, Frasassi Caves and also smart urban centres, Fabriano, Cerreto d’Esi, Matelica. They extend so far as Camerino, famous for a age old University.

The red wines are mainly produced closer to the sea. Monte Conero overlooks a limpid sea and conceals wonderful beaches and lively sea villages: Portonovo, Sirolo, Numana. The inland (Camerano) is home to the precious Rosso Conero. It is to be sipped without haste before driving towards Loreto and Recanati, cities rich of religious importance, culture and Art.

Rosso Piceno and Rosso Piceno Superiore are produced in the South of Marche (Porto Sant’Elpidio, Pedaso). A tour of the area should take you, passing through small traditional villages (say Campofilone with its famous Maccheroncini or Montefiore dell’Aso, boasting a untouched medieval city centre) to Fermo. The main square, Piazza del Popolo, is just a clear example of the beauties of the city. An other beautiful square is in San Severino, and after a walk, it is worth going further, to Serrapetrona where Vernaccia di Serrapetrona, an exceptional red wine is produced.

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