Passions & Places


Walking in the Apennines

In the natural and multi-colored embrace that the Apennine chain forms in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, by drawing a natural semicircle, from the San Marino province and towards Mounts Nerone and Catria to reach the austere monastery of Fonte Avellana, a universe of unexpected views is waiting to be discovered and loved. 

It is rich in breathtaking landscapes and astounding treasures, concealed between rocks and streams, plateaus and caves.

With names that seem taken from a beautiful book of fairy tales, the pathways lead across woods and heaths, rocky areas and rocky hardpans, caves and waterfalls, gorges and streams, prairies, stony grounds, calanques and pinewoods, meadows and mountains, always giving unique emotions and unsullied landscapes. 

Enchanting Iiineraries:

- La montagna sacra
- Là dove muore il mondo
- Notte di mezza estate
- Sulla via dei Pellegrini
- Il bosco fatato
, Archi di pietra
- Le marmitte dei giganti
- Il monte dei cavalli
- Zattere di pietra
- L'abbraccio della foresta

In compagnia degli gnomi
- Gli occhi del cielo
- Osservati dalle aquile

Choosing among the most suitable excursions according to their difficulty and interest, it is possible to walk from the austere peaks of the Mount Catria to the rocky formations of Mount Nerone, from the picturesque canyon of the Furlo Gorge to the steep faces of the Sasso Simone and Simoncello, crossing plains that are swept by strong winds and watching the clear waters of brooks hidden in the woods.

To live more intensely unforgettable experiences in a direct contact with nature, it is also possible to spend the night in one of the many excursion-huts available thanks to mountain communities. 

These include Calvillano (near Montecopiolo), Piobbico, Apecchio, Pieja (near Cagli) and the many structures existing in the Mount Catria territory.

Walking in the Apennines therefore is updated every year, proposing new itineraries and enriching its tracks with charming walks and stops in charming places, when possible taking advantage of the many festivals organized in small villages which may be found in the cool of the woods in a territory full of an intense poetic spirit.


2001 Liberation Ventures Ltd.

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