Passions & Places

The Best of Baroque in Le Marche

A Passage to Le Marche
A Journey through Baroque in some beautiful places

According to Baroque, Architecture is the most important branch of Art itself. Sculpture and painting act as an enrichment and support. 

This conception is widely expressed in a lot of churches in Le Marche. They are unique for the harmonic balance between plastic and pictorial elements.

San Pietro in Valle in Fano is the most interesting example. It was founded in the Roman époque (VII century). In 1610 it was restored by Giambattista Cavagna, a roman architect follower of the theatrical illusionism that flourished in Rome in the XVII century.

The church of San Giovanni Battista and San Bernardo in Jesi are also noticeable. The first was decorated by Tommaso Amantini in 1663. It was then enlarged and enriched with Baroque elements by Flaminio Mannelli. San Bernardo is instead characterized by a precious and rich style typical of the late Austrian baroque. Giovanni Greber was in fact the architect in charge.

Santa Lucia in Serra S.Quirico was renovated at the beginning of the XVIII century. It is a refined masterpiece. Baroque elements coexist in organic and flourishing harmony. .

The Umbrian architect Camillo Arcucci was in charge of S. Maria in Via church in 1639. He contributed to give an imprint typical of Serliano and Bernini style, to the religious building..

The scenographic effect of San Filippo church in Cingoli, Osimo and Macerata is given to the genius of Giovambattista Contini.

S.Emidio alle Grotte is unique for the Rocaille Baroque style employed by Giuseppe Giosfatti in its decoration in 1703.

The influence of Neapolitan Baroque can be easily detected in San Filippo in Fermo, whose architect remains unknown.  







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