Passions & Places

Pane di Chiaserna

Pane di Chiaserna

The advice to go to Chiaserna, fraction of Cantiano in the province of Pesaro, in order to buy a loaf of bread might seem rather absurd. 

But, on entering the village, you will be immediately embraced with the fragrance of bread just taken out of the oven. That and discovering scenes from other times, tasting the unique “once upon a time” flavour of bread of Chiaserna, is what will convince anyone that it is worth going even a hundred of kilometres in order to buy it. 

One of very few types of bread typical of the Marches, that of Chiaserna is important even from the socio-cultural point of view, because it testifies the great value that the folk tradition attributes to bread made from wheat flour and yeast. 

Several Italian proverbs refer to home-made long rising bread, made from a piece of bread dough and wheat with no protein fraction. More than words the very first bite explains the tradition of bread of Chiaserna. 

Let us see, therefore, the ingredients that make this bread be so special: soft wheat flour, water, a piece of (raw) bread dough from previous baking, yeast and salt. The technique is also very particular: the preparation of dough needs three phases. In the first phase only a part of flour is used, to which yeast, dissolved in warm salted water, is added. 

All is mixed well, kneaded and left to rise for at least four hours. Then the other part of flour is added to dough with water, and it is left to rest for another four hours. 

The preparation of this bread reveals that, in the ancient peasant culture, the time was very different than it is at present. It seems almost exaggeratedly prolonged. But, in order to make proper bread of Chiaserna, watches have to make a step backward and to harmonise with the long rhythms that an artisan creation needs. 

Back to the preparation of bread. In the last phase the rest of flour is added together with yeast dissolved in water. All is well and accurately kneaded, and classic long loafs are shaped. 

A few cuts on the surface and they are left to rise and then baked in wood oven. At this point, the only thing to do is to taste bread. 

By the way, you will not find it on shelves of a supermarket. Instead, you will have to go to Chiaserna or to the villages near Pesaro.


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