Travelling in order to be in contact with different
realities, in order to study thoroughly history and culture of people and in
order to learn to love their traditions, their customs and their food. It is not
by chance that Italy has ever since represented favourite
target for visitors thirsty for knowledge, from every part of the world. Equally
deprived of casualty is the fact that, for some time, the Marches were, in a
way, discovered by a number of those
eager to broaden their knowledge, as well as to look for new impressive colours,
to taste new flavours and to experience unforgettable emotions.
International Associations working in the field of vacation study program
since 1957, offer to their own students (independently on nationality and on
enrolment in a specific institute) a variety of university courses taking place all over the world.
Autumn courses are held in natural and historic frame of Macerata, which
gives to the participants the possibility of discovering, immersed in valleys of
the Marches, architecture belonging to different periods of time, while studying
melodious Italian language.
Lectures (in literature, history, politics, culture, economics, art of cinema,
painting and communication, and many others, upon request and specific needs)
are held by American and Italian professors in the prestigious lecture halls of
the University of Macerata and in those of the Academy of Art.
The program offers, therefore, a unique and stimulus instrument by means
of which the students can acquire and complete their academic training in direct
contact with places where the history was born: the key to understand the world.
Thanks to the strategic geographic position of the town, the students of
the Macerata Program are involved in
inspiring excursions to numerous localities of the region. Learning
historic, artistic and natural treasures are all occasions to know better
thousand jewels of an enchanted territory, the culture and the frankness of its
hospitable people.
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Liberation Ventures Ltd.