Passions & Places

14th Century Painting

Pittura del '300

The fourteenth century marked the end of the long Middle Ages. This particular century was also known as the ‘Autumn of the Middle Ages’.

Throughout the first half of the century the map of the centres of Italian Art changed. Assisi with its Basil managed to hold its leading role (thanks to Cimabue, Torriti and Giotto), but new cities started to get renowned. Florence and Siena in fact thanks to their first hand experience of Giotto, Simone Martini and Lorenzetti got to become hubs of cultural activity.

The plague was the most relevant happening of the second half of the fourteenth century. It deeply changed not only the society but also the Italian Art.

Marche painting was influenced by the works of art of followers of Giotto. In the meantime schools of painters were opened in Camerino, Fabriano (Alegretto Nuzi) and San Severino (Salimbeni brothers). 

The Art of the region developed around the figure of Campodonico Master (Fabio Marcelli identifies him in Bartoluccio da Fabriano). The main pieces of art are the frescoes, that were once kept in Fabriano, but that are now scattered between Rome, Boston, Rochester. They are painted by one of the most famous artists in the county, called ‘Master of the Coronation of Urbino’. Allegretto Nuzi and Francesco Ghissi contributed to promote the Art of Marche with their Fabrianese-Florentine agreements. 

Their were after the lost liveliness and the heightened sense of expression of Carlo da Camerino. The Gothic evolution from 13th to 14th century is in fact owed to him. The only signed masterpiece from which it has been possible for F.Zeri to determine the personality and the merits of this artist is ‘Il Crocefisso’ (The Crucifix) in Macerata Feltria.

The Gothic Art in Marche found in Carlo da Camerino the first artist active in interpreting the courtly ideals. He depicted them through a meticulous and narrative style. It is clearly evident in the great painting ‘L’annunciazione’ (The Annunciation). Carlo da Camerino has so provided the stimulus for an artistic season that must have found a cultural fulcrum also in Ancona.

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