Towns & Places



Who has never heard, at least once, about the unfortunate love of Paolo and Francesca and about its tragic end? Their love story, which has become famous all around the world thanks to great poets and historiographers, took place in Gradara in the remote 1289… Small town of antique origins and with a typical hilly landscape of the countryside around Pesaro, Gradara still shows its history of roman settlement and of centuries-old Seigniory.Leaving Tavullia and following the road to Romagna you pass by the small centre of Monteluro, immediately after which you are greeted with a spectacular view of the Gradara fortress, one of the most interesting places to visit in the surroundings of Pesaro. Perched on a hill-top overlooking the valley of the river Tavollo, Gradara is a town with a population of about 3000 situated at a distance of 3 km from Tavullia, and conserving all the fascination of the original Medieval layout.

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