Passions & Places

nella Valle del Lacrima di Morro d'Alba

Pagina senza titolo Paradise Possible


Shanti House, nella Valle del Lacrima di Morro d’Alba

Le Marche

There are beautiful places with character.
There are beautiful places with soul.
There are places, like Morro d’Alba, which have beautiful character and soul.

Morro d’Alba has beautiful character because it seems as though it’s been designed by the hand of a skill and attentive architect from another era. The fifteenth-century surrounding wall, with its characteristic covered chemin de ronde—unique in Italy—encircles the entire perimeter of the village like a pretty crown, giving views of the various multi-coloured gems.
Acres of olive groves and vineyards unwind around the medieval area.

Morro d’Alba is full of soul because its charm is evident in the smiling faces of it inhabitants, in the grace with which flowers are placed in the windows, in the joyous laughter of the children, and in the pride of their roots.
All you need to know is that for centuries families have passed on the secrets Lacrima di Morro d’Alba’s production, a fruity and floral red wine that has hints of strawberry, cherry, blackberry, blueberry, pansy and violet.

The history of the town and its wine are so closely intertwined that the first record of Morro d’Alba’s wines dates back to 1167, when Federico Barbarossa, during the siege of Ancona, chose the castle as a home and its inhabitants were forced to give up their most choice possessions, amongst which was the famous grape juice.
Since then this local grape variety—endemic to this area—has been produced to make a pure wine or one that is combined with Montepulciano and Verdicchio grapes (but with a total percentage of no more than 15%).

A few decades ago, this tradition risked being lost forever. In the ‘80s there were only seven farmed hectares of the precious variety remaining, but the Lacrima di Morro d’Alba was finally given DOC recognition in 1985.

From that moment onwards there have been connoisseurs coming from all parts of Italy, and even the world, to admire this wine.
When you go to Morro d’Alba, to see for yourselves the appeal, you will need an exceptional guide, capable of showing you both the objective and the spiritual beauty.

Shanti House will give you a warm welcome and the typical Le Marche hospitality, which revolves around simplicity and authenticity.

Heidi awaits to show you the real traditions and the hearty hospitality of Le Marche. Her secret is to make you feel at home.

And it’s precisely this—the hospitality and warm welcome—that makes it a special place and that tells its story.
Italy is full of gastronomic excellency, but there are also some lovely characterful and soulful spots.

Shanti House
Via Fosso Roberti, 1
60030 Morro d'Alba (AN)
+39 339 6098247
Email: info@shantihousedalmago.com
Website: http://www.shantihousedalmago.com

Copyright Liberation Ventures Ltd.

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