Where To Stay

Hotel Il Brigantino

 Porto Recanati / Hotel Il Brigantino

Hotel Il Brigantino
Viale Ludovico Scarfiotti, 10-12

Tel: +39 071 976684
Fax: +39 071 976684
62017 Porto Recanati (MC)
Email: info@brigantinohotel.it
Website: http://www.brigantinohotel.it

If Federico Fellini from his beloved Rimini had visited Porto Recanati, he would have discovered a new Amarcord setting thanks to the various similarities between the two landscapes. Here, in fact, he would have recognized one of the places described in his fantastic stories, thanks to a marvelous beach stretching over the sea of a sunny Adriatic coast.

The Brigantino Hotel is open all year round and is located on the coastline facing the Adriatic Sea, in Porto Recanati. Its reception staff is surprisingly polite and will offer you a comprehensive presentation of the services as well as a description of the location and of the surrounding areas. Quality services and nice welcoming of the guests are the prerogatives of a stay here at the hotel.

In summertime, breakfast is served on the panoramic terrace which faces the beach and from there, kids can walk down to play on the beach with their new friends met during the holiday.

Hotel Il Brigantino
Hotel & Ristorante
"Direttamente Sul Mare"
Porto Recanati
Le Marche

Relax of evocative moment to remember …”

Hotel Il Brigantino
Viale Ludovico Scarfiotti, 10/12 -
62017 Porto Recanati (MC) 
Tel. & Fax 0039.071.976684


The Brigantino Hotel is located on the coastline facing the Adriatic Sea, in Porto Recanati.

Its reception staff is surprisingly polite and it will offer you a comprehensive presentation of the services as well as a description of the location and of the surrounding areas.

Quality services and nice welcoming of the guests are the prerogatives of a stay here at the hotel.

If Federico Fellini from his beloved Rimini had visited Porto Recanati, he would have discovered a new Amarcord setting thanks to the various similarities between the two landscapes.

Here, in fact, he would have recognized one of the places described in his fantastic stories, thanks to a marvelous beach stretching over the sea of a sunny Adriatic coast.

The comfortable rooms of the Brigantino Hotel, smartly furnished, are equipped with different private services, air-conditioning, minibar, satellite TV, telephone with direct line, hair-drier, in-room safe, jetted tub, terrace, private living room.

These are just few elements that will grant you a quality stay, either with children or with friends in every period of the year.

*Brigantino is the Italian name for Brigantine 

The restaurant of the Brigantino Hotel, open all year round, offers its guests refined fish menus according to the local culinary tradition, as well as international dishes.

Besides this, upon request, the restaurant is ready to adapt to specific food intolerances of its guests, among which the celiac disease, offering special Gluten -free dishes.

The Brigantino Hotel has a swimming pool and a private beach.

All common areas are available for guests’ relaxation and welcoming and are dedicated to entertainment activities, such as music and cultural events organized the all year round. 

In summertime, breakfast is served on the panoramic terrace which faces the beach and from there, kids can walk down to play on the beach with their new friends met during the holiday.

The comfortable rooms of the Brigantino Hotel, smartly furnished, are equipped as follows:

- air-conditioning
- minibar
- satellite TV
- telephone with direct line
- hair-drier
- in-room safe
- etted tub
- terrace
- private living room.

Hotel Il Brigantino

Il Risotto ai Gamberi

Il Filetto di Branzino Croccante alle Erbette

Gli Spinaci Saltati

La Macedonia di Frutta




Le Penne (senza glutine) alle Cozze e Pachino

La Coda di Rospo in Guazzetto

Le Melanzane Filanti

Il Sorbetto fatto in Casa




Il Pasticcio di Patate e Calamari

L’Insalatina Tiepida di Seppie e Polipo

Le Zucchine Grigliate

L’ananas al Maraschino



l Risotto alle Verdure

La Paillard ai Ferri

I Broccoli Saltati

La Crema al Mascarpone




La Minestra di Riso e Patate

Il Brasato al Rosso Piceno

Le Patate Arrosto

Lo Zabaione Freddo




Gli Spaghetti di Riso con Salsiccia e Zucchine

La Braciola Ripiena al Tegame

I Finocchi Gratinati alla Forma

La Mousse alle Fragole


Hotel Il Brigantino
Viale Ludovico Scarfiotti, 10/12 -
62017 Porto Recanati (MC) 
Tel. & Fax 0039.071.976684



© 2010 Liberation Ventures Ltd.

Hotel Il Brigantino
Viale Ludovico Scarfiotti, 10/12 -
62017 Porto Recanati (MC) 
Tel. & Fax 0039.071.976684

Price List

The Periods

-       B Low Season > from 03/01 to 02/04 - from 05/04 to 21/05 - from 26/09 to 30/12

-       M Middle Season > from 01/01 to 02/01; from 03/04 to 04/04 -
from 22/05 to 02/07 - from 29/08 to2 5/09 - il 31/12          

-       A High Season > from 03/07 to 06/08;   from 22/08  to 28/08

-       MA Very High Season > from  07/08 to  21/08

For a Double Room Standard in B&B

-       B    > 43,50€

-       M    > 51,50€

-       A    > 53,00€

-       MA > 61,00€

Prices are per person, per day

Hotel Il Brigantino
Viale Ludovico Scarfiotti, 10/12 -
62017 Porto Recanati (MC) 
Tel. & Fax 0039.071.976684

© 2010 Liberation Ventures Ltd.

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