Where To Stay

Agriturismo MES

 Petritoli / Agriturismo MES

Agriturismo MES
Modulo Ecologico Sperimentale
Contrada San Savino 57
63027 Petritoli (AP)

Mob: +39 3665005778
Fax: +39 0734655977
Tel: +39 0734655977
Email: cicchese.paola@gmail.com
Website: http://www.agribiomes.it

The stylish business card I got in the tourist office located a short way from the sea, read so:
What a curios name I thought. I could not well define the place…is it just an Agriturismo or a Farm?
On the back of the card there was a nice image. It recalled a medieval miniature portraying a man and a woman dressed in pale pink. They were in front of a wheat field. The ears of wheat were so high and so thick as to be predominant in the scene…I later found out that wheat plays an important role at MES. The didactic laboratories are in fact all centred on wheat, flour and bread. Schools are invited to participate. Children are involved in the project through enjoying stories, and activities. Meetings are then organized to discuss on olive oil production, the ecology of the woods and organic agriculture. This is the way MES hopes to hand down to children love and respect for the countryside and nature.
MES – EXPERIMENTAL LOGIC MODEL was launched in 1988 as an experimental organic farm. The name is due to the origins. Later on, the place was restored respecting the original rural architecture. Two apartments and a double room were furnished in order to welcome guests.
The swimming pool has been installed in the wood. The atmosphere is so very quiet and peaceful. The woods have been preserved and taken care of to protect the natural habitat of several animals. At MES you can swim, practice some archery, have a walk in the woods, have a ride, attend taj-chi, cookery, Italian, painting courses. You can also just relax sitting under the patio or in the stylish living room. There are several books on the bookshelves: classics, novels, philosophy and anthropology writings.

Agriturismo M.E.S.
Modulo Ecologico Sperimentale

Agriturismo MES is located close to the historic villages in Le Marche in land, but it is not very far from the sea. 

It is set in the core of the countryside. It is characterized by a silent atmosphere, as if hundreds of kilometres far from any inhabited centre. 

Petritoli, a medieval village, is just a few kilometres off. The place is very lively during the summer. 

The days of the traditional “Festa de le cove” (named after the sheaf – covo(ne) - made during the harvest) are particularly attractive. 

The village is in fact embellished with bunches of ears of wheat. They are arranged by the local people on doors and windows… 

It is possible to admire their beauty in the alleys leading to the squares occupied by stalls. There a taste of local products and dishes is offered to visitors.

Agriturismo MES has grown in harmony with the wheat fields, olive groves and the woods around. It is not just nature to create such a feeling. Paola, Sergio and their two daughters, Martina and Micaela, have wanted it to be exactly so.

The wish and the need of preserving the environment almost untouched, is here expressed through responsible behaviours and choices… The rhythms of nature are always taken into consideration. 

The organic agriculture practiced in the farm has low impact on the environment. 

The products have in fact been awarded with the IMC-AIAB certifications and can be purchased in the farm: vegetable preserves, olive oil, wine, beans, jams and flour. 

The farm is involved in the project of reintroducing a long-forgotten quality of wheat: “iervecella”
It was anciently largely cultivated, but more resistant and profitable types of wheat took its place during the years. Iervicella high and thick wheat ears are now back on the fields of MES. 

The flour obtained is good both for bread and cakes. MES has even found an ancient svecciatrice (1920) in a small village nearby. 
They now want to use it to harvest. Peas and beans, onions (Tropea, Bianca di Maggio, Dorata di Parma) and vines and olive trees are among the other products cultivated. 

MES is constantly and totally devoted to the countryside.

Agriturismo MES
Modulo Ecologico Sperimentale
Contrada San Savino 57
63027 Petritoli (AP) Tel: +39 0734 658025
Mob: +39 329 0193713
Fax: +39 0734 659189

© Copyright 2006 Liberation Ventures Ltd


Agriturismo M.E.S.
odulo Ecologico Sperimentale
Contrada San Savino, 57
63027 Petritoli (AP) 
Le Marche - Italy

Tel.  +39 0734 658025
Fax  +39 0734 659189

Mobile +39 329 01.93.713

Web-Site: www.agribiomes.it

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