Passions & Places




Studying in Le Marche
... Since the enlightened days of the Renaissance the Marche has been one of central Italy's leading centres of scholarship and many are drawn to the region to study at one of its three ancient universities. 

Urbino University
The oldest is Urbino University, founded in 1506 at around the time that Raphael was born in the city. It was set up under Duke Guidobaldo whose glittering court at Urbino produced the genius of Castiglione and his Book of the Courtier. Few universities can boast such a magnificent backdrop to scholarly pursuits. During the long summer recess, Italian language courses are also available for foreign visitors.

Camerino University
While Camerino University may not be so old - it was founded in 1727 by Pope Benedict XIII - it boasts an almost equally venerable setting as Urbino in the centre of this historic old town. The main part of the university now fills the splendid Palazzo Ducale but other faculty buildings are spread further afield, including the new Faculty of Architecture at the Marche's southern capital of Ascoli Piceno.

Macerata University
The third ancient academic institution in the region is Macerata University, founded in 1540 by Pope Paul III. Here, too, the elegant harmony of the town seems to fit so well with the pursuit of knowledge. One of it's earliest students may well have been the town's great Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci, reckoned by many to be the first real "ambassador" to China from the Western world.

Ancona University
As well as its trio of ancient centres of learning, the Marche also has a large, modern university at the regional capital of Ancona. Its renowned faculties include an important Faculty of Medicine attached to the region's largest hospital.

Language Courses
As well as studying at one of the region's celebrated universities, visitors and residents might well want to brush up their Italian at one of the many accredited language schools across the region.

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