Passions & Places

Historic Houses

Villas and historical dwellings

Many illustrious families, humble farmers and magnificent artists have left evidence of their love for the land they inhabited: the hilly countryside around Macerata. It is possible to breath the magic of this area, from the snowy summits to the golden beaches. All the humble residences and the lively villages stand as an evidence of the passage of those who have inhabited here. Raffaello himself has left behind for us to admire his modest dwelling, that became the headquarters of the “Accademia Raffaello” at the end of the nineteenth century. The place has then been enriched by works of art, period furniture and documents relating to the great artist and his hometown. Gioacchino Rossini home place has equally became a museum. In Maiolati a tour articulates through the village to end in the museum dedicated to Gaspare Spontini.

The famous Leopardi building in Recanati has been turned into a museum as well. There the exceptional library and the sights throughout the village remind us of verses of the famous Giacomo Leopardi. A place to see in Recanati is also the Garden of the Palazzo Dalla Casapiccola once used by the prelates pilgrims to Loreto and then made part of the Palazzo property under suggestion of G.Leopardi himself.

Senigallia also boasts several historical dwellings. Mastai Ferretti family built there a villa enriched by private chapel and theatre in 1700. The place is presently in state of disrepair and everybody is hoping it will soon receive the attention it deserves. Luckily enough other buildings are more appreciated and in better state. This is the case of Palazzo Mastai where the to be Pope Pio IX was born on in 1846. The place boasts a collection of well preserved period furniture. Historical buildings are evidence to us of the traditions that are no more. It is a delight to see the ancient Palazzetto Gambini in the urban environment of Pesaro, or Villa d’Isola built in the country side around Urbino in 1500.

In the Ancona district Palazzo Sabatucci in Ostra Vetere with its sumptuous living rooms and Villa la Columbara are worth mentioning. Villa Columbara overlooks in fact the clear Adriatic sea and is completely surrounded by the Conero National Park. A picturesque tree-lined avenue leads to Villa la Pieve in Macerata with external staircase and “Piano Nobile”. And still: Palazzetto Giochi with marvellous view on the Sibillini mountains, Palazzo Lucangeli in Porto Recanati particular for its nineteenth century frescoes. The Piceno district is rich in examples of historical dwellings. There we can find Palazzo Malaspina in Ascoli, built in the sixteenth century. Palazzo Sgariglia Cancrini in Grottamare is important for being a typical example of the Marche style. These precious testimonies of the past above described are just few examples of the immense cultural treasure and beauty that “Le Marche” own.

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